Learning Paths

 The Testimony of Hands:
 Learning Paths

The learning paths are under construction. For now, the best way to find individual artifacts is through the links to the left.

Digging up the Invisible
Digging up the Invisible: How Artifacts Become Archaeology

Survivor: Prehistory (Tools and Skills of Ancient Peoples)

America's First Nations
America's First Nations, with special learning paths on....

Spruce Tree House
Pueblo Ancestors

The Athapaskans
The Athapaskans: Navajo and Apache

North by Southwest
North by Southwest: Archaeology of Arctic Life

68.43.115, chain mail
San Gabriel de Yunque: First Spanish Capital of New Mexico

The "maze" image at the top of this page is from the baskets of the Tohono O'Odham Tribe of southern Arizona, and symbolizes the way human choices help determine life's path.

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Page last revised on November 30, 2013.
Please report problems to toh@unm.edu