The Testimony of Hands:
User Feedback Page

Did you find a mistake? Do you know something important about an object? (If we didn't mention that information, we may not know what you know.) Your feedback will help us build our virtual exhibit. You don't have to fill out all of the fields to submit the form.

We will treat all names and e-mail addresses obtained through this page as confidential information. If we use your feedback within the exhibit, we will refer only to your initials and to the city, state, or country where you live. We will use your e-mail address only to follow up (if needed) on your feedback. No spam, we promise.

NOTE: due to a massive spam attack, the fill-in form has been disabled. To provide feedback, please e-mail "toh[at-symbol here]"

Thank you for your help!

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Online exhibit content copyright © Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico.

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Page last revised on July 22, 2010. Please report problems to